Men & women who are thinking of doing Hair Transplant need to understand what is PRP Treatment, what is its purpose, does it really contribute to better healing and hair growth after transplant surgery etc.

What is PRP and why is it recommended after Hair Transplant?
PRP can be defined as a concentrated blood plasma containing substances like leukocytes, platelets, cytokines and growth factors. It is considered to be an innovative treatment for some types of hair loss. It strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss. Therefore, PRP treatment is recommended after a Hair Transplant.
PRP treatment uses the rich plasma extracted from the person’s own blood by enriching it. For this, blood is first taken from the person using special PRP tubes and this blood is centrifuged. This divides the blood into a red, white & yellow part. The bottom red part is RBC. The middle white part is called Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) which contains platelets and growth factors. And the top yellow part is Platelets Poor Plasma (PPP).

There are two types of Centrifugation. One is normal or single Centrifugation and the other is double Centrifugation. In single Centrifugation, Rich Plasma & Platelets are extracted in mixed form. Whereas in double Centrifugation, Platelets Poor Plasma (PPP) and Platelets Rich Plasma (PRP) are extracted separately.
The tissue grows faster and the hair follicles are nourished with the substances contained in the rich plasma. This is how the hair follicles are supported after the hair transplant. PRP treatment increases the success rate of Hair Transplant.
Advantages of doing PRP after Hair Transplant
- It improves tissue repair and the healing process after Hair Transplant. One activity that promotes tissue repair and healing after surgery is the release of platelet-derived growth factors. Single growth factors such as PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor) have been used by surgeons to promote wound healing in surgical patients in hospitals.
- It also strengthens inactive hair follicles and stimulates new hair growth. , PRP increases hair growth after Hair Transplant. But platelet-derived growth factors can also trigger inactive hair follicles and produce new hair.

How many PRP sessions are needed?
PRP Treatment is very effective for hair growth after doing the Hair Transplant. The no of PRP sessions needed will largely depend on the individual’s personal traits and a few factors such as overall physical & mental health, the extent of hair loss, etc. normally, 4-6 sessions are needed. It depends up on the quantity of blood taken for extracting the rich plasma. If it is 30-40 ml blood, 4 sessions are enough for doing the PRP treatment. 6 sessions are needed if the blood taken is 10-15 ml.
PRP is an innovative and advanced treatment that can increase the success of Hair Transplant. With this, not only the newly transplanted grafts but also the condition of your existing hair will also be positively affected. Your weak hair will become fuller and stronger too.
PRP Treatment is an important procedure when you go for Hair Transplant. It strengthens and increases the hair growth. For PRP treatment to be successful, it should be performed in a high quality clinic.