What’s the first thing you think of when you hear Hair Transplantation? Almost always it’s about transplanting the hair on your head. But did you know that you could fill and fix the hair condition of your beard, moustache and eyebrows too? Yes, that’s right! The basic principle and process of hair transplantation remains the same for the scalp hair, beard and moustache. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most used and safe process. FUE process involves extracting individual hair follicles from areas on the scalp that have dense hair and this is transplanted on to the desired area.
The process is a little more nuanced in the case of beard and moustache because the hair grows in these areas in different angles and directions. So the beard and moustache transplant requires more precision and skill as each hair follicle needs to be placed in the appropriate direction or angle to make it look seamless. This process can be used to fix hair loss, and also to improve density in areas on the beard, side burns or moustache. The hair used for facial hair transplant is mostly extracted from a specific area of the head as the hair texture of this area is similar to the beard and moustache hair.
The patient is given a detailed breakdown of the dos and don’ts, care and precautions to be taken before and after the procedure. The implanted hair usually starts growing after 3 months and then gradually improves over the next few months. As with most other procedures, here too there could be variations depending on each person’s basic hair structure, skin texture, healing ability, etc. But be assured that the Hair O Craft experts will always be available for follow-up and consultation.
At Hair O Craft (Trivandrum hair transplant), we never make our clients feel insufficient or flawed. It is about feeling confident, doing what makes you happy, and we try to help with the best and safest procedures to attain this. For more details, regarding different treatments like GFC treatment, visit us or call us 𝟗𝟏 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟒𝟑 𝟎𝟎
Tags: hair transplant treatment, hair clinic near me