A head full of hair; it is something we take for granted, until we start losing our hair severely. Balding and thinning hair can play havoc with your self–confidence. But believe us, it is not the end of the world.

Look good instantly with Hair Fixing
A head full of hair; it is something we take for granted, until we start losing our hair severely. Balding and thinning hair can play havoc with your self–confidence. But believe us, it is not the end of the world.

No pain
Hair fixing is a simple and painless method of reversing the impact of time on your hairline.

Ready to Wear
The new hair is instantly fixed in the exact angle and direction of your own hair growth so that you get an instant natural look.

Affordable Prices
We have several types of hair fixing to suit every style, taste and budget.

Customised Style
You can style your hair the way you want and try new looks, just the way you did with your natural hair in the past.

Types of Hair Fixing
- Synthetic Patches
- Classic Lace
- Premium Silk
Synthetic Patches
These are made out of synthetic material and are usually the most affordable patches.
Classic Lace
These are made out of natural hair and hence looks quite natural. These patches are available in a variety of styles and colours to match your look. Whether you want a stylish or ordinary look, we can mould these patches accordingly.
Premium Silk
These are made out of natural hair and are extremely fine. You cannot make out the difference between this and your natural hair as the way of adhesion is different.

Wigs for Chemo Patients
Hair O Craft provides comfort to cancer patients by providing customized wigs. Our experts study the patient's hair; even take hair samples, before they undergo chemo and make wigs with the person’s own hair. We also craft it in the client's original style, to give them a natural look.
Hair O Craft
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Let us help
Don’t let your appearance hold you back! We offer services to improve your Hair, Skin, and Dental health. From restoring thinning hair and rejuvenating your skin to lightening your skin tone and enhancing your smile, we’ve got you covered. Look and feel your best with our expert treatments!